Mental Health Tool Kit: Self-Compassion



Self-compassion seems quite self-explanatory, but most lack a true understanding of what it actually entails. Dr. Kristin Neff is the most prominent research psychologist focusing on self-compassion, having developed concrete explanations of how to practically implement self-compassion in our lives. This post will be a summary of her work, so all credit for the information in this post goes to Dr. Kristin Neff!

Self-compassion is NOT:

  • self-pity
  • self-indulgence
  • self-esteem
Self-compassion IS:
  • balanced, objective, and neutral
  • growth towards long-term health and happiness
  • deserved, regardless of external circumstances
3 Main Elements of Self-Compassion
  1. Self-Kindness
    • Gently understanding yourself when difficulties arise, rather than harshly judging yourself
  2. Common Humanity
    • Knowing that all humans suffer
  3. Mindfulness
    • Mindful, non-judgmental awareness of your emotions without strongly identifying with them, instead seeing your emotions in the "bigger picture" perspective

Videos about Self-Compassion

Check out these videos on self-compassion!

click "Watch On YouTube" to view this video: